Story reading aloud is a research-based strategy that encourages children’s language and literacy development (beginning from infancy). Reading aloud encourages early language skills and early cognitive development.
Please note: throughout this blog post, the term child or children refers to ages 0-4 years unless otherwise specified.

Why is Reading Aloud Important?
A study conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2017 found that the quality and quantity of reading aloud during infancy and toddlerhood can help predict a child’s vocabulary, their future reading abilities, and their future writing skills. Reading aloud also encourages aspects of social skills such as answering and asking questions or conversing.
Interactive Reading Aloud & Shared Storybook Reading
What is interactive reading? Interactive reading occurs when an adult introduces a story, reads the story aloud, and provides opportunities for children to respond and interact while building language and comprehension skills. Examples of interactive reading include a teacher reading to a class or a librarian reading to a group of children.
Shared storybook reading occurs in a more individualized setting; caregivers read with a child and encourage active engagement. During shared storybook reading, caregivers point out and describe illustrations, engage the child in simple conversation, or draw connections between the story and life. Shared storybook reading offers more opportunities to scaffold the experience to support the child’s language development, emergent reading skills, and comprehension.
Interactive Reading Aloud Activities
Keep books readily available and easily accessible for children. This will pique curiosity and encourage children to explore the books they see! Play audiobooks or video versions of the stories read aloud while children play, get ready for bed, or ride the car.
If you want to know more about the importance of reading and early literacy development and follow along as we discuss reading with babies and toddlers, check out my exclusive e-book, Reading with Babies and Toddlers! This research-based E-Book is filled with the benefits of reading.
You can find information about:
- Strategies and tips for reading with babies and toddlers
- Shared Storybook reading as a method of early intervention for language development in babies
- Considerations for reading (cultural considerations, developmental considerations, and personal considerations)
- Reading to children without using a book
- Early literacy development in babies and toddlers
- Language Development: Average vs. Milestone

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