Let’s talk about why early literacy matters so much. It’s not just about ABCs and 123s; early literacy skills lay the groundwork for a lifetime of reading and writing success. As speech-language pathologists, we have a unique role in nurturing these skills right from the start.
In this podcast episode, we dive into early literacy development in infants and toddlers.
Did you know that literacy development begins in infancy?
You might wonder how we support early literacy skills in infants… They can’t speak or write! Believe it or not, literacy begins at birth. Newborns benefit from hearing language and engaging in interactive experiences with their caregivers. As they develop, babies pat, reach for or chew on books as they explore their environment. They may also babble while looking at pictures.
As infants develop into toddlers, literacy skills and language development will become more refined. Babbling develops into word approximations and, later, individual words. They will begin to point at pictures and identify familiar objects consistently. Early literacy development in toddlers is a continued growth in skills developed in infancy.
Where do we begin when it comes to encouraging literacy skill development? It all starts with creating a language-rich environment. From the moment a child is born, they’re soaking in language. Activities like talking, singing, reading, and playing are crucial in those early years.
Even if you can’t understand what they are saying- engage in verbal exchanges as babies and toddlers “read” books and speak to you. Engaging babies and toddlers not only encourages literacy development in toddlers but also creates opportunities for conversation.

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