If there’s one thing I know for sure, working with toddlers can be a real challenge. Finding resources tailored specifically for early intervention and speech therapy clinicians is hard. When I started working in speech therapy for toddlers, I felt discouraged. [I mean, it’s not like we learn much about this population in SLP grad school… I sure didn’t] The toddlers on my caseload didn’t want to do the activities. They would run away during sessions, throw my toys, and try to eat books instead of reading them.
Then, parents started asking, “Why aren’t we seeing progress?”
Sound familiar? Well, guess what? The more SLPs, SLPCFs, and SLPAs I spoke with, the more I realized that most of us were struggling to understand toddler development at some point. We all needed help encouraging participation and figuring out how to monitor progress with this population.
Thus, the idea of Communicate & Connect was born.

Think of it as every aspect of language development and communication in toddlers you can quickly reference in speech therapy for toddlers. This handbook has everything from Prelinguistic Skills to Activities for Fine Motor Development!
This handbook for early intervention speech and language is being released in chapters to keep the cost down. When you buy it, you get any updates for FREE!

Have I piqued your interest? Okay, great!
You can find the handbook in two places: my TPT store or The SLP Next Door website.

I love a good deal.
Additionally, you can join the SLP Next Door email list, and you’ll have first-hand access and knowledge when updates become available. In the future, videos and extra content will also be added.
It’s the resource you didn’t even know you needed!
Be sure to listen to this podcast episode, where I discuss this incredible handbook for early intervention and speech therapy therapists. Then, grab your copy of Communicate & Connect and start transforming your speech therapy for toddlers!